One of the most enthralling aspects of Flesh and Blood TCG is its class system. If you’ve played some video games, you may be familiar with the class system. Classes are basically the jobs or “calling” of your characters, from warriors to artificers, Flesh and Blood has it all.
The Class System
The class system of Flesh and Blood is reminiscent of the class system in popular online role-playing games. There are currently (as of 2022) 11 classes in the game; two of them (Merchant and Shapeshifter) aren’t usable on Blitz and Classic Construct game modes. The following are the classes in the game:
Warrior Class
Warrior classes are your typical melee wielding heroes. Their play style is mainly centered on using weapons and getting past your opponent’s blocks and defenses.
One of the most memorable warrior heroes in Flesh and Blood, Dorinthea, lets you attack once more with a weapon if your weapon hits the opponent. This is a great way to deal multiple damage without go again.

Wizard Class
Wizards are extremely powerful. They boast a versatile yet powerful array of spells but… they’re brittle. Yeah, they’ve got that high firepower, but they are weak defense-wise. If you’re going to play with wizards, make sure to exterminate your opponents before they get you, that’s the trade off with their strength.
Why are they so strong, you ask? Let’s take a look at our resident wizard, Kano. In a nutshell, Kano can use the top card of your deck as an instant by banishing it is a huge game changer. If you recall, an instant is basically an action minus the action point, all you need is the resources, and you can play that card.
The wizard class is perfect for players who like complicated play styles and plan A’s to plan B’s in case things go south.
Ranger Class
Well not really, more like bow and arrows, and traps. The ranger class does its job well in portraying how archers experience a fight. Playing as a ranger class needs a lot of strategizing because you’ll have to load your imaginary quiver and shoot the arrows.
Azalea’s ability does a good job at this. In a nutshell, once per turn, Azalea lets you switch your arsenal to the top card of your deck; if that card is an arrow, it gains dominate until the end of your turn. Dominate is an effect that makes the opposing hero unable to defend with more than one card in their hand.
If you like deck manipulation with a little bit of luck and a lot of strategizing, then the ranger class is for you.

Ninja Class
The ninja class is very combo oriented. This class utilizes attack chains to its fullest by buffing damage when you attack in a certain pattern, just like martial arts.
An example of the combo within the ninja class is the Leg Tap – Rising Knee Thrust – Blackout Kick Combo. Leg Tap is your ordinary attack card with 4 power that lets you go again. With this go again, you may play a Rising Knee Thrust that has a slightly lower power, 3, BUT, it gains an additional 2 power and lets you go again. With this go again, you may play the Blackout Kick, which does 4 power but gains a whopping 3 power. Add that all up and you get 16 power in that combo.
If you like long combos and overwhelming your opponent with attack chains, then the Ninja class is for you.
Guardian Class
The guardian class is the class that relies most on resources. Although their resource cost is high, you will slowly see the effects of its cards the longer you play.
Bravo will let you gain Dominate when you use actions that require 3 resources, which is considered costly.
The guardian class will start slow but once you “charge” their power, you will obliterate your opponent. If you like this strategic and resource-oriented game play, the guardian class is a must-try.

Brute Class
As the name suggests, the brute class tends to play around with wild and unpredictable attacks. They rely on strength and overwhelming their enemy to victory. The brute class is most distinguishable by its cards’ attacks. Most of the attacks under the brute class have 6 or more damage.
A brute class hero, Kayo, relies more on luck. Whenever you use a card with 6 or more damage, you will have to roll a die. Rolling a 5 or 6 will double the damage, anything lower than that will halve it.
The brute class is perfect for players that want to overwhelm their opponents with a barrage of powerful attacks.
Runeblade Class
Runeblades are what you would call magic swordsmen in the game. Runeblades deal damage with their weapons and their tokens. You can think of tokens as runes that can deal arcane magic to your opponent.
Viserai is a good example of runeblade game play. Viserai earns tokens called Runechant tokens that are earned by completing a non-attack action. The tokens you’ve obtained can be destroyed when you attack an opponent and convert it into arcane damage.
This class is slow, but it gradually gets stronger overtime; perfect for players who like to strategize and utilize their tokens to their best extent.

Mechanologist Class
Items, artifacts, gizmos, and thingamabobs; these are the heart and soul of mechanologists. mechanologist class is the item-oriented class of the game. mechanologist items have steam counters that act as fuel for these items. The items may or may not have steam counters as they enter the field. These items are used to spice up your attacks and make your opponent feel the heat.
This class typically leaves out generic cards because this class has a special effect, Boost. Boost allows you to go again after an attack at a cost of banishing a mechanologist Card. By excluding generic cards, you will ensure that you only have mechanologist cards to Boost your way to victory. Although, be mindful of boosting; boosting too much will eat your deck too fast.
Dash, a mechanologist hero, can choose an item at the start of the game. You can utilize this ability by choosing an item like Convection Amplifier or Teklo Core to bring your game to a whole other level.
If you like a high effort high reward game play then the mechanologist class is for you. Blast your way through your opponents with artifacts.
Merchant Class
The merchant class is currently not usable in classic construct and blitz so do keep that in mind. The merchant class is a class that utilizes coins and life differences to their advantage.
Kaydaen lets you earn copper tokens or make your opponents lose a copper token. Kaydaen may destroy a copper token to activate go again. The merchant class utilizes health point differences into its advantage. It also has cards that seemingly “trades” your hand to draw more cards.
Shapeshifter Class
The shapeshifter class is a class focused on heroes that can shapeshift into other heroes. This class is versatile, and it can be great to overwhelm your opponent with a frenzy of attacks or escape death’s clutches with various plan B’s.
The shapeshifter, Shiyana, shapeshifts into a target hero. If you have Shiyana, you may add different hero specializations into your deck. In addition to this, cards you own are given another class corresponding to the role of the target hero. These attributes of Shiyana ensure that you will always have a plan on any situation. Although, be mindful of the deck limit and forcing too many varieties of cards in your deck as you may lose the benefit of card effects that benefit only when paired with a certain card.
If you like a game play with variety to confuse your opponents by your unpredictable play style, the shapeshifter class is for you.

Illusionist Class
The illusionist class is the latest class released by Flesh and Blood TCG. This class has the Phantasma Mechanic on their cards. The Phantasma Mechanic is basically high firepower at a low cost but with a catch. If your opponent chooses to defend with a card that has an attack that exceeds 5, the attack will be nullified. Because of this, Illusionists must do their best to make their attacks seem real.
A good example for this is the phantasmaclasm, an illusionist attack card. It boasts a 9 power attack and it gets your opponent to lose a card and have you gain one.
If you like tricking your opponents into plays that go according to your favor, the Illusionist class is for you.
After you pick your class - Deck building tools
After you decide on a class to play, the next step is building a deck and finding some friends to play the game with. A Flesh and Blood database is a website that provides every card in the game in a searchable format that can be navigated through a database using search terms and filters. This is an invaluable tool for finding exactly the cards you need to assemble the most powerful version of your deck. After you assemble the deck on the computer or paper, then you can purchase any cards you need to complete your deck list. This the the best way to construct a deck, rather than simply assembling a deck from the cards you have on hand. Most of the time in order have a semi/semi-competitive deck to play, you will need to assemble the deck then find all the cards needed to complete the deck.
Final Thoughts
The class system in Flesh and Blood is very complex and intriguing. We’ve discussed the different classes and how they’re unique from each other. Each class also has their own unique play style that best suits everyone. Whenever you’re feeling tired of a class, you may always switch to another one. This introduction to the class system of this fantastic new game should get you started playing today!
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